AAS Journals Editorial Board

The AAS journals are supported by a diverse and international team of editors. These scientists — all active members of the astronomy, planetary sciences, solar physics, and laboratory astrophysics community —  are here to help you improve your articles and make sure the best version of your work is published. You can find more information about the team below.

Ethan Vishniac

Johns Hopkins University, Maryland, US

Ethan is a theoretical astrophysicist who conducts research on the dynamics of magnetic fields in accretion disks, stars and galaxies. Since 2006, Ethan has served as Editor in Chief of the Astrophysical Journal. He is now Editor in Chief of all AAS publications.

All AAS Journals
Editor in Chief Ethan Vishniac
Associate Editor in Chief Frank Timmes
ApJ Letters
Editor Frederic Rasio
Deputy Editor Luis C. Ho
Associate Editor Rekha Jain
Planetary Science Journal
Editor Faith Vilas
Research Notes of the AAS
Editor Chris Lintott
Brian Jackson Boise State University
Edgard G. Rivera-Valentin Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab
Faith Vilas Planetary Science Institute
Maria Womack University of Central Florida
Lee Armus California Institute of Technology
Giovanni Carraro University of Padova, Italy
Christopher Conselice University of Manchester, UK
Michael Endl University of Texas at Austin
Eric Feigelson Pennsylvania State University
Manolis K. Georgoulis Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab
Brad Gibson University of Hull, UK
Shadia Habbal University of Hawaii
Dieter Hartmann Clemson University
Greg Herczeg KIAA/Peking University, China
Luis C. Ho Peking University, China
Rekha Jain University of Sheffield, UK
Steve Kawaler Iowa State University
Chris Lintott University of Oxford, UK
Ilya Mandel Monash University, Australia
Smadar Naoz University of California, Los Angeles
Priya Natarajan Yale University
Darin Ragozzine Brigham Young University
Mubdi Rahman Sidrat Research, Canada
Frederic Rasio Northwestern University
Claudio Ricci Universidad Diego Portales, Chile
Ata Sarajedini Florida Atlantic University
Daniel Savin Columbia University
Daniel Scheeres University of Colorado
Allen Shafter San Diego State University
Steinn Sigurdsson Pennsylvania State University
Luigi Stella INAF – Astronomical Observatory of Rome, Italy
Frank Timmes Arizona State University
Ethan Vishniac Johns Hopkins University
Fabian Walter Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Germany
Joan Wrobel National Radio Astronomy Observatory
Gary Zank University of Alabama
Data Editors Greg Schwarz
August Muench
Katie Merrell
AAS Nova Editors Kerry Hensley
Susanna Kohler

Our team of 36 science editors and 6 supporting staff editors represent a broad cross section of astronomy, astrophysics, and planetary science and are located at universities and research institutions around the globe.

Explore the geographic distribution of AAS journal editors by hovering your cursor over the different blocks in the interactive infographic below. To explore any region in more detail — and to see the editors’ names and institutions in that region — click on the blocks.