26 August 2021
The Lead Editor for our High Energy Phenomena and Fundamental Physics Corridor, Dr. Frank Timmes, also creates video content relating to AAS Journal publishing and hosted on the AAS YouTube channel. Some of the specific series related to our peer reviewed Journals are:
In the author series, Frank interviews authors of impactful articles published in the AAS Journal family. The goal is to provide the human story behind the article. The target audience is active researchers. The average duration of an author interview is about 35 minutes.
The publishing series highlight AAS Publishing/Journal material relevant to the astronomy community. This includes descriptions of the 7 topical corridors, a series on ethics and professional standards, the histories of the ApJ and AJ, how to publish and review AAS Journal manuscripts, the Unified Astronomy, the AAS Journals business model, and anonymous review and dual anonymous review.
Ever wanted to put a face to the people that run the peer review side of AAS Journals? Well, the science editor series is for you! Frank converses with the scientific editors and editorial operations staff.
Finally, the data series is a brand new playlist designed to connect authors with data science techniques and best practices. The first interview is with science editor, Dr. Mubdi Rahman, on how to create effective plots for your articles and talks.
While not related to AAS peer review publishing, you might also enjoy these other play lists that Frank Timmes has created:
The first playlist connect Sky & Telescope authors and editors with their articles and helps introduce them to the larger astronomy community. The last playlist provides interviews with authors of a few of the astronomy and astrophysics ebooks produced in collaboration between the AAS and our publisher at the Institute of Physics (IoP).