16 March 2020 - August Muench (AAS Data Editor); Greg Schwarz (AAS Data Editor); Julie Steffen (AAS Director of Publishing)
The American Astronomical Society chose to respond to the Request for Public Comment on “Draft Desirable Characteristics of Repositories for Managing and Sharing Data Resulting From Federally Funded Research” (Document 2020–00689; Posted 2020-01-17) from the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. The response was written by the Data Editors of the AAS Journals, August Muench and Greg Schwarz, and the Director of Publishing, Julie Steffen. In summary the AAS finds the proposed characteristics for data repositories noteworthy and valuable and endorses them uniformly. We provided additional commentary, informed by our long experience working with researchers, and it is intended to highlight specific issues and to reflect on the current repository landscape for astronomy researchers. The complete reply is available in PDF format.