The way AASTeX v7 handles author, affiliation, and collaboration information is slightly different from the previous v6+ and very different from v5+ so authors should read this section carefully. There are many reasons for these changes including updates in how article titles are displayed, the ORCID and given/surname metadata support, automatic affiliation indexing, improved collaboration identification, and additional article meta-data commands for preprints. The following older commands are now removed: \affil, \altaffilmark, \altaffiltext, \fullcollaborationName, and \and. LaTeX will issue an error and stop if these are encountered in an AASTeX v7 manuscript.
Use the \title command to specify the title. Footnotes can be included within this command. The title is rendered in bold. This change was implemented to match the published article which is now shown in title case, e.g. only capitalizing the first letter of principle words. It is the author’s responsibility to maintain title case within the \title command.
The \author command is used to specify an individual author. Authors’ names should be entered in mixed case. Authors can use the LaTeX CJK macro package to include Chinese, Japanese and Korean language support with their names. More information about using CJK can be found here. Optional arguments to the \author command allow the identification of an author’s unique ORCID identifier, their given name (personal or first names), their surname (family name or last name), and a suffix like “Jr.”. The syntax is:
\author[dddd-dddd-dddd-dddd,gname='X',sname='Y',suffix='Z']{Author Name}
When a valid format is entered as the first argument, dddd-dddd-dddd-dddd, the author name will be hyperlinked to the given ORCID webpage. If the orcid-ID.png file (available in the aastexv7 distribution) is present in the manuscript directory or in the LaTeX path the ORCID icon will appear after the author’s name to further increase ORCID visibility. Note that it is the author’s responsibility to ensure that the correct ORCID is provided when this functionality is used. At this time the ORCID is not vetted in our peer review database since these identifier must be personally authenticated via the ORCID website. The game, sname, and suffix portions allows the reader to identify the parts of their name while still showing their name as they see fit in the compiled manuscript.
During compilation, LaTeX will check that these parameters in the optional argument have the correct format. If not, a warning message will be issued and LaTeX will exit. Note that the order of the game, sname, and suffix portions are not important and thus any or all of them can be left out.
Some examples are:
\author[gname=Gerard,sname='de Vaucouleurs']{Gerard de Vaucouleurs}
\author[0000-0002-6937-9034,gname=Wang,sname=Xuesong]{Sharon X. Wang}
\author[0000-0001-7827-7825,sname='van der Marel',gnane=Roeland]{Roeland P. van der Marel}
\author[sname=Moutain,gname=Charles]{C. Matt Mountain}
\author[0000-0001-5448-1821,gname=Robert,sname=Kennicutt,suffix=Jr]{R.C. Kennicutt}
Each \author command should be have an associated \affiliation command to specify a primary affiliation. AASTeX v7 will automatically index all the \affiliation commands during compilation. When a duplicate \affiliation command is encountered it is given the same index number as the first \affiliation found. Physical and postal address information for the specified institution should be included with \affiliation. The address can be broken over several lines using the \\ command to indicate the line breaks. Use multiple \affiliation calls for secondary and tertiary affiliations.
Authors often have additional information that needs to be noted (e.g. Hubble Fellow, author is deceased, etc.) in addition to their affiliation information. This information may be specified with the \altaffiliation command. Note that in order to work correctly the \altaffiliation command must appear right after the \author command as the corresponding footnote symbol is attached to the previous text. The \altaffiliation footnotes are non-numeric and rendered at the bottom left of the page. The number of \altaffiliation symbols has been increased from 5 in AASTeX v7 but authors should still be used sparingly.
New for AASTeX v7 is the requirement that each \author and \affiliation grouping now requires a \email command. The \email command come before or after the \affiliation command(s). AASTeX v7 will issue a warning and quit compiling if any author does not have an {tt}\email{\tt} associated with it.
All affiliation information can be hidden with the new \suppressAffiliations command. This command should appear before the first \author call.
The \correspondingauthor{Author Name} command will identify the named author as the corresponding author. It should only be used once for the author that was the primary contact during peer review. This information will appear in the bottom left corner of the title page.
The \collaboration command should be used to identify all authors in a collaboration group. This command is placed after the corresponding author group. \collaboration is slightly different in AASTeX v7 as it now takes an additional argument.
The name argument is the same as in v6.2 and is simply the collaboration identifier. The number argument gives the number of authors above to show in addition to the collaboration identifier. This should only be used when there are very large author list and only the first few authors are to be displayed in the front matter of the manuscript. New to AASTeX v7, you can use “all” for the number to include everyone above. For example,
\collaboration{2}{The BIG collaboration}
would be displayed as “1 and 2 et al. The BIG collaboration“. When suppressing some of the authors in the collaboration it is recommended that authors use the \suppressAffiliations command described above for the cleanest look.
The full author list, including the affiliations and emails, will be shown at the end of the article when the \allauthors command is placed just before the \end{document}.
Depending on the group complexity and number of collaborations, authors may also have to use the updated \nocollaboration command to segregate authors that are not part of any group. \nocollaboration also takes a number argument so that these authors can be removed from the front matter. In the compiled version a dash is shown to offset the unaffiliated group from the other collaborations.
The following example illustrates how the author and affiliation commands entered and authors are grouped in collaborations. This specific example only shows the collaboration names in the compiled output (below). Note that LaTeX takes care of any needed “and”s and commas between author names and thus it is not necessary to include them in an \author call. This footnote based style is the default for the front matter. It produces the most compact output and thus is ideal for manuscripts with long author lists. The longauthor style can be called as a classfile argument to produce the more traditional style where each author is listed individually. See Section 3 for details on using the different styles.
\title{How superheroes use AASTeX v7 author, email,
and affiliation style}
\altaffiliation{aka Clark Kent}
\affiliation{Daily Planet}
\affiliation{Justice League, Metropolis}
\affiliation{Wayne Enterprises}
\affiliation{Justice League, Metropolis}
\author{Wonder Woman}
\affiliation{Justice League, Metropolis}
\collaboration{all}{(The DC superheros group)}
\affiliation{Daily Bugle}
\affiliation{The Avengers}
\author{Captain America}
\affiliation{The Avengers}
\collaboration{1}{(The Marvel superhero Team)}
\author{Lois Lane}
\affiliation{Daily Planet}
\author{Jimmy Olsen}
\affiliation{Daily Planet}
\author{Lex Luthor}
\affiliation{Brotherhood of Mutants}
\affiliation{Brotherhood of Mutants}
\collaboration{0}{and the Super Villians collaboration}